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Horse Racing, In-Nazzjon, Malta, Times of Malta, Trot

Seventh win in a row for Kimberley Downs

Kimberley Downs, mounted by Michael Sultana finishing first in the flat race held on Thursday (Photo In-Nazzjon. Media.Link Communications)

Kimberley Downs, mounted by Michael Sultana finishing first in the flat race held on Thursday (Photo In-Nazzjon. Media.Link Communications)

Kimberley Downs and Zandina Boshoeve won Thursday’s major races held at the Marsa Racetrack. These were a flat race and a trotting race for class Premier trotters and formed part of the 19th meeting of the year. This programme consisted of nine races.

The only flat race on the card was contested between six horses. The Irish mare Enthrall (Demis Zammit) was the first out of the blocks, opening a length lead from Gold As Good mounted by Demis’ brother, Eric Zammit and favourite Kimberley Downs (Michael Sultana). Around 700m from the finishing line, Enthrall was overtaken by Gold As Good. However in the final metres Gold As Good couldn’t sustain the challenge of Kimberley Downs and the latter cruised to its seventh consecutive win and its second of the season easily by a length and a half from Japanese Zen (Charles Pace). Key Art (Sarah Borg) finished fourth.

In the only class Premier race on the card, favourite Zandina Boshoeve (Rodney Gatt) made a strong dash on the outside 500m from the finishing line. In the final straight, this Swedish mare met no particular trouble to go in front and to notch its third win of the year from Ego Sanna (David Ellul) and Utah Hornline (Julian Farrugia). Ourasi Diams (Emmanuel Fenech) completed the top four order.

Apart from these races, four of the remaining trotting races heralded the start of a new championship. These were semi finals from the St Francis Cup Championship for class copper trotters on a short distance of 2140m. From these heats, twelve horses qualified for the final race. The first semi final was won by Dreamed Victory (Charles Degiorgio) which secured its second win in Malta after increasing its pace with a lap to go. Young driver Kerstin Galea obtained his first win of the career with Pout De Quelaines in the second semi final of this championship.

In the third class Copper semi final, Mirage d’Ete (Mark Mifsud) finished first after surging ahead midway through the final straight. Ocean Gede (Mario Fenech) dashed strongly from the outside 300m from the finishing line of the fourth and last semi final also in order to obtain its first win of the year.

Meanwhile, another meeting will be held next Sunday. The first race should start at 1.45pm.

Sunday’s winners.

Race 1. Class Silver. Dist – 1640m. 1. Navaho Simoni (Charles Degiorgio) – 1.14.9”

Race 2. St Francis Cup Championship Semi Final. Class Copper. Dist – 2140m. 1. Dreamed Victory (Charles Degiorgio) – 1.18.5”

Race 3. St Francis Cup Championship Semi Final. Class Copper. Dist – 2140m. 1. Pout De Quelaines (Kerstin Galea) – 1.17.4”

Race 4. Class Flat. Dist – 1750m. 1. Kimberley Downs (Michael Sultana) – 1.47.6”

Race 5. Class Gold. Dist – 1640m. 1. New Star DK (Noel Baldacchino) – 1.14.4”

Race 6. St Francis Cup Championship Semi Final. Class Copper. Dist – 2140m. 1. Mirage d’Ete (Mark Mifsud) – 1.17.2”

Race 7. St Francis Cup Championship Semi Final. Class Copper. Dist – 2140m. 1. Ocean Gede (Mario Fenech) – 1.17.4”

Race 8. Class Premier. Dist – 1640m. 1. Zandina Boshoeve (Rodney Gatt) – 1.13.7”

Race 9. Class Gold. Dist – 1640m. 1. Oolong (Charles Degiorgio) – 1.13.6”

Kimberley Downs u Zandina Boshoeve jispikkaw fl-aktar tigrijiet mistennija

Fil-korsa tal-Marsa l-Hamis wara nofsinhar saret laqgha fuq disa’ tigrijiet. Tmienja minn dawn kienu riservati ghal zwiemel tat-trott filwaqt li t-tigrija l-ohra kienet tal-galopp. Dawn iffurmaw id-dsatax –il laqgha tal-istagun. Iz-zewg tigrijiet ewlenin, dawk tat-trott tal-klassi Premier u t-tigrija tal-galopp intrebhu minn Zandina Boshoeve u Kimberley Downs rispettivament.

Fl-uniku tigrija tal-galopp grew b’kollox sitt zwiemel. L-Irlandiz Enthrall (Demis Zammit) kien l-aktar wiehed veloci mill-gagga tat-tluq. Dan matul l-ewwel metri fetah vantagg ta’ tul minn Gold As Good, misjuqa minn hu Demis, Eric Zammit u Kimberley Downs (Michael Sultana). Madwar 700m mit-tmiem bdiet izzid fil-giri Gold As Good li qabzet ukoll lil Enthrall. Izda fid-dritta finali Gold As Good ma setghet taghmel xejn quddiem il-qawwa tal-Amerikan Kimberley Downs li mar quddiem biex ha s-seba’ rebha nfila tieghu mill-Gappuniz Zen (Charles Pace) u Gold As Good.

Attakk mibdi madwar 400m mit-tmiem tal-uniku tigrija tal-klassi Premier wassal lid-debba kwotata Zandina Boshoeve (Rodney Gatt) biex tirregistra t-tieni rebha konsekuttiva taghha u t-tielet wahda stagonali minghajr tbatija quddiem Ego Sanna (David Ellul). Utah Hornline (Julian Farrugia) u Ourasi Diams (Emmanuel Fenech) kellhom ukoll pjazzament pozittiv.

Waqt il-programm tal-Hamis inghata l-bidu wkoll ghall-kampjonat gdid maghruf bhala Tazza San Frangisk ghal zwiemel tal-klassi Copper fuq 2140m. Saru erba’ tigrijiet semi finali li minnhom tnax –il ziemel ghaddew ghall-finali. Dreamed Victory (Charles Degiorgio) ittrijonfa fl-ewwel semi finali fejn ha t-tieni rebha f’Malta wara zied fil-giri dawra mit-tmiem. Minn naha tieghu, il-Franciz Pout De Quelaines (Kerstin Galea) irregistra l-ewwel rebha stagonali wara li halla kollox ghall-ahhar 400m tat-tieni semi finali. Ghal Galea dan kien ukoll l-ewwel success fil-korsa tal-Marsa.

Fit-tielet semi finali, sprint qawwi f’nofs id-dritta finali wassal lil Mirage d’Ete (Mark Mifsud) biex itemm rebbieh minn Icare de Jemma (Tony Demanuele). Ocean Gede (Mario Fenech) qabez lill-kwotat Uranium Des Arkads (Kurt Saliba) ftit metri mill-linja finali tar-raba’ u l-ahhar semi finali tal-klassi Copper.

Ir-rizultati kollha.

I Tigrija. Klassi Silver. Dist – 1640m. 1. Navaho Simoni (C. Degiorgio) Hin – 2.02.8” (1.14.9”) 2. Claudine (G. Farrugia) 3. Quibus (A. Farrugia) 4. Cross Country FC (M. Debono)

II Tigrija. Semi Finali. Tazza San Frangisk. Klassi Copper. Dist – 2140m. 1. Dreamed Victory (C. Degiorgio) Hin – 2.48” (1.18.5”) 2. Boshoevens Emily (C. Camilleri) 3. Absolutely Meadow (N. Baldacchino) 4. Nolan Streamline (A. Mifsud)

III Tigrija. Semi Finali. Tazza San Frangisk. Klassi Copper. Dist – 2140m. 1. Pout De Quelaines (K. Galea) Hin – 2.45.7” (1.17.4”) 2. Claude Carnevale (C. Camilleri) 3. Esmeralda Run (R. Magro) 4. Ronin Del Brenta (S. Vella)

IV Tigrija. Klassi Galopp. Dist – 1750m. 1. Kimberley Downs (M. Sultana) Hin – (1.47.6”) 2. Zen (C. Pace) 3. Gold As Good (E. Zammit) 4. Key Art (S. Borg)

V Tigrija. Klassi Gold. Dist – 1640m. 1. New Star DK (N. Baldacchino) Hin – 2.02” (1.14.4”) 2. Wies Buitenzorg (E. Bezzina) 3. Orion Du Vaumicel (F. Cassar) 4. Nitesco d’Antony (D. Ellul)

VI Tigrija. Semi Finali. Tazza San Frangisk. Klassi Copper. Dist – 2140m. 1. Mirage d’Ete (M. Mifsud) Hin – 2.45.3” (1.17.2”) 2. Icare de Jemma (T. Demanuele) 3. The Womanizer (C. Camilleri) 4. Pronto Du Lys (J. Carabott)

VII Tigrija. Semi Finali. Tazza San Frangisk. Klassi Copper. Dist – 2140m. 1. Ocean Gede (M. Fenech) Hin – 2.45.6” (1.17.4”) 2. Uranium Des Arkads (K. Saliba) 3. Noble D’Urzy (L. Mifsud) 4. Pine Wood Harry (C. Calleja)

VIII Tigrija. Klassi Premier. Dist – 1640m. 1. Zandina Boshoeve (R. Gatt) Hin – 2.00.9” (1.13.7”) 2. Ego Sanna (D. Ellul) 3. Utah Hornline (J. Farrugia) 4. Ourasi Diams (E. Fenech)

IX Tigrija. Klassi Gold. Dist – 1640m. 1. Oolong (C. Degiorgio) Hin – 2.00.7” (1.13.6”) 2. Why Not As (C. Caruana) 3. Quioco Dry (P. Galea) 4. Pan Des Couperies (C. Camilleri)

About Kenneth Vella

A horse racing enthusiast and journalist. He started his career in 1992 and today is the main correspondent on horse racing for In-Nazzjon, Il-Mument and the Times of Malta. He also writes on a number of international magazines and produces TV programmes for E22 and TVM.Kenneth is the proud winner of two consecutive awards of the Malta Broadcasting Awards for the best sport programmes with documentaries.


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