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Horse Racing, In-Nazzjon, Malta, Paris, Times of Malta, Trot

Sandrone and Kimberley Downs win major events

Sandrone, driven by Mats Andersson winning the Malta-Sundbyholm Race at the Marsa Race Track (Photo In-Nazzjon - Media.Link Communication)

Sandrone, driven by Mats Andersson winning the Malta-Sundbyholm Race at the Marsa Race Track (Photo In-Nazzjon – Media.Link Communications)

Sandrone, driven by Mats Andersson and Kimberley Downs won Sunday’s major events at the Marsa Race Track. These were the Malta-Sundbyholm Amateur race on a short distance of 2140m and a flat race on a long distance of 1750m. Both races formed part of the 37th meeting of the season which consisted of ten races.

Only four horses took part in the only flat race of the day. Potere d’Acquisto (Demis Zammit) was the first horse out of the gates, opening a length’s lead from Ollie Fliptrik (Sarah Borg). But with 600m to go, Potere d’Acquisto was overtaken by Ollie Fliptrik. In the final straight, Ollie Fliptrik also started to slow down with favourite Kimberley Downs (Michael Sultana) upping its pace from the outside and registering its third win of the season by more than twelve lentghs from Timolin (Ramon Grima). Ollie Fliptrik ended third.

In the Malta-Sundbyholm Race, six Maltese drivers challenged six Swedish counterparts who are based in this Sundybholm racetrack. It was Baronello (Roland Jansson) which went in front after only few metres from the start of this international race. This German ten year old trotter opened a half length lead from Vagabond Hornline (Darren Mizzi) and Uncle Kemp (Ludvic Ghigo). But with 300m to go, Baronello started to slow down and was overtaken by Swedish newcomer Sandrone (Mats Andersson) which secured its first win on the island from Uncle Kemp and Mint Condition (Joseph Micallef). Vagabond Hornline ended fourth.

Sunday’s card included also two races for class Gold trotters. In the first of these races, favourite Midnight Passion (Eric Bezzina) dashed strongly from the outside around 500m to the end of the race. This Swedish seven year old trotter gained its third win in Malta easily by more than five lengths from French debutante Regent de Tillard (Andrew Farrugia). Energy Launcher (Oliver Bonello) and Niky de Memartin (Rodney Gatt) followed home in that order.
A keen tussle between three horses developed in the final metres of the second class Gold race. It was Why Not As (Carl Caruana) which cruised to its first win of the year from Orion De Chapeau (Chris Vassallo) and I Pitstop (Jesmar Gafa’). Nitesco d’Antony (David Ellul) ended fourth.

Sunday’s winners.

Race 1. Class Copper. Dist – 2140m. 1. Hotchemin (Frank Portelli) – 1.20.1”

Race 2. Class Bronze. Dist – 2140m. 1. Andri Boko (Tony Demanuele) – 1.18.8”

Race 3. Class Silver. Dist – 2140m. 1. Noli de Marray (Patrick Spiteri) – 1.18.7”

Race 4. Class Bronze. Dist – 2140m. 1. Zeta Jones A (Charles Camilleri) – 1.19.4”

Race 5. Malta-Sundbyholm Amateur Race. Class Open. Dist – 2140m. 1. Sandrone (Mats Andersson) – 1.17.8”

Race 6. Class Silver. Dist – 2140m. 1. Pitchpin des Bois (Keith Grima) – 1.16.1”

Race 7. Class Gold. Dist – 2140m. 1. Midnight Passion (Eric Bezzina) – 1.16.5”

Race 8. Class Silver. Dist – 2140m. 1. Zandina Boshoeve (David Ellul) – 1.18.4”

Race 9. Class Gold. Dist – 2140m. 1. Why Not As (Carl Caruana) – 1.17.4”

Race 10. Class Flat. Dist – 1750m. 1. Kimberley Downs (Michael Sultana) – 1.49.7”

Treve triumphs in Arc de Triomphe

French three year old mare, Treve triumphed in this year’s edition of the Prix De l’Arc De Triomphe which was held Sunday afternoon at Longchamp Racetrack in Paris, France. This prestigious international flat race was run on a long distance of 2400m. Eighteen horses lined up for this race and Treve was ridden by French jockey Thierry Jarnet. This French mare is owned by the Sheikh of Qatar Al Thani.

Rebha Zvediza fit-tigrija nternazzjonali

Is-37 laqgha tal-istagun fuq ghaxar tigrijiet saret il-Hadd wara nofsinhar fil-korsa tal-Marsa. Minn dawn, l-aktar tnejn li spikkaw kienu wahda nternazzjonali bejn sewwieqa Maltin u sewwieqa dilettanti Zvedizi mill-korsa ta’ Sundbyholm fuq distanza qasira ta’ 2140m u tigrija tal-galopp fuq distanza twila ta’ 1750m. Dawn iz-zewg tigrijiet intrebhu mill-gdid Zvediz Sandrone misjuq minn Mats Andersson u Kimberley Downs rispettivament.

Fit-tigrija nternazzjonali li saret il-bierah, sitt sewwieqa Maltin sfidaw sitt sewwieqa Zvedizi bi zwiemel li huma propjeta’ ta’ sidien Maltin. Kien Baronello (Roland Jansson) li ha l-kmand wara ftit metri mill-bidu ufficjali. Dan iz-ziemel fetah vantagg zghir minn Vagabond Hornline (Darren Mizzi) u Uncle Kemp (Ludvic Ghigo). Izda hekk kif iz-zwiemel qabdu l-ahhar kurva taghhom, dlonk wasal l-avvanz ta’ Sandrone, li f’idejn Andersson mar quddiem u qasam il-linja finali l-ewwel minn tliet zwiemel misjuqa minn sewwieqa Maltin, Uncle Kemp, Mint Condition (Joseph Micallef) u Vagabond Hornline. Ghal Sandrone din kienet l-ewwel rebha fl-ewwel dehra.

Fl-ewwel minn zewg tigrijiet tal-klassi Gold, sprint qawwi tlieta fuq in-naha ta’ barra matul l-ahhar 400m wassal lill-kwotat Midnight Passion (Eric Bezzina) biex jirregistra t-tielet rebha tieghu f’Malta. Dan b’distakk ta’ aktar minn hames tulijiet mid-debuttant Regent de Tillard (Andrew Farrugia), Energy Launcher (Oliver Bonello) u Niky de Memartin (Rodney Gatt).

Taqtiegha nteressanti bejn Why Not As (Carl Caruana), Orion De Chapeau (Chris Vassallo) u I Pitstop (Jesmar Gafa’) fl-ahhar metri tat-tieni tigrija Gold wassal lil tal-ewwel biex jiehu l-ewwel rebha tieghu. Nitesco d’Antony (David Ellul) kellu wkoll wirja tajba bi pjazzament fir-raba’ pozizzjoni.

Il-programm inkluda wkoll tliet tigrijiet tal-klassi Silver li fihom kien hemm it-tielet success tas-sena ta’ Noli de Marray (Patrick Spiteri) wara assalt fl-ahhar 400m; ta’ Pitchpin Des Bois (Keith Grima) li ha l-kmand dawra mit-tmiem u ta’ Zandina Boshoeve (David Ellul) wara li xejnet l-isfida ta’ Law Suit (Noel Baldacchino).

F’tnejn mit-tigrijiet tal-klassi Bronze kien hemm il-konferma ta’ zewg zwiemel Olandizi. Ir-rivelazzjoni tal-istagun,
Andri Boko (Tony Demanuele), akkwista bla tbatija s-seba’ rebha tas-sena u r-raba’ wahda konsekuttiva filwaqt li Zeta Jones A (Charles Camilleri) ma naqsitx milli tiehu s-sitt rebha stagjonali.

Fl-uniku tigrija tal-galopp grew biss erba’ zwiemel. Il-favorit Kimberley Downs (Michael Sultana) halla kollox ghad-dritta finali u ma naqasx milli jiehu t-tielet rebha tas-sena b’vantagg ta’ aktar minn tnax –il tul minn Timolin (Ramon Grima) u Ollie Fliptrik (Sarah Borg).

Ir-rizultati kollha.

I Tigrija. Klassi Copper. Dist – 2140m. 1. Hotchemin (F. Portelli) Hin – 2.51.3” (1.20.1”) 2. Mistral du Chene (R. Magro) 3. Minou de Perdriat (C. Farrugia) 4. Hulegardens Filur (N. Baldacchino)

II Tigrija. Klassi Bronze. Dist – 2140m. 1. Andri Boko (T. Demanuele) Hin – 2.48.7” (1.18.8”) 2. Izor Rick (N. Baldacchino) 3. Navaroso de Khepri (K. Mifsud) 4. My Gentleman (L. Bartolo)

III Tigrija. Klassi Silver. Dist – 2140m. 1. Noli de Marray (P. Spiteri) Hin – 2.48.4” (1.18.7”) 2. Quaid Tejy (M.
Falzon) 3. Queen Streamline (R. Gatt) 4. Socrates (J. Briffa)

IV Tigrija. Klassi Bronze. Dist – 2140m. 1. Zeta Jones A (C. Camilleri) Hin – 2.50” (1.19.4”) 2. Lucky d’Hercla (C. Calleja) 3. Qualou Chouan (E. Bezzina) 4. Lorenz de Noyelles (R. Gatt)

V Tigrija. Tigrija Malta-Sundbyholm. Klassi Open. Dist – 2140m. 1. Sandrone (M. Andersson) Hin – 2.46.4” (1.17.8”) 2. Uncle Kemp (L. Ghigo) 3. Mint Condition (J. Micallef) 4. Vagabond Hornline (D. Mizzi)

VI Tigrija. Klassi Silver. Dist – 2140m. 1. Pitchpin Des Bois (K. Grima) Hin – 2.42.8” (1.16.1”) 2. Quipson (R. Gatt) 3. Cal Win (S. Portelli) 4. Insomnia Grif (A. Farrugia)

VII Tigrija. Klassi Gold. Dist – 2140m. 1. Midnight Passion (E. Bezzina) Hin – 2.43.6” (1.16.5”) 2. Regent De Tillard (A. Farrugia) 3. Energy Launcher (O. Bonello) 4. Niky De Memartin (R. Gatt)

VIII Tigrija. Klassi Silver. Dist – 2140m. 1. Zandina Boshoeve (D. Ellul) Hin – 2.47.8” (1.18.4”) 2. Law Suit (N. Baldacchino) 3. Bankir Zon (C. Vassallo) 4. Partisan De Bouere (B. Hili)

IX Tigrija. Klassi Gold. Dist – 2140m. 1. Why Not As (C. Caruana) Hin – 2.45.7” (1.17.4”) 2. Orion De Chapeau (C. Vassallo) 3. I Pitstop (J. Gafa’) 4. Nitesco d’Antony (D. Ellul)

X Tigrija. Klassi Galopp. Dist – 1750m. 1. Kimberley Downs (M. Sultana) Hin – (1.49.7”) 2. Timolin (R. Grima) 3. Ollie Fliptrik (S. Borg)

Treve tittrijonfa fl-Arc de Triomphe

Misjuqa minn Thierry Jarnet, il-Franciza ta’ tliet snin, Treve, rnexxilha ttemm rebbieha fl-edizzjoni ta’ din is-sena tal-famuza Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe li saret il-Hadd wara nofsinhar fil-korsa ta’ Longchamp f’Parigi fi Franza fuq distanza ta’ 2400m. B’kollox tmintax –il ziemel hadu sehem f’din it-tigrija li laqqghet flimkien uhud fost l-aktar zwiemel veloci tal-galopp li ghandna bhalissa fid-dinja. Treve hija propjeta’ tax-Sheikh tal-Qatar Al Thani.

About Kenneth Vella

A horse racing enthusiast and journalist. He started his career in 1992 and today is the main correspondent on horse racing for In-Nazzjon, Il-Mument and the Times of Malta. He also writes on a number of international magazines and produces TV programmes for E22 and TVM.Kenneth is the proud winner of two consecutive awards of the Malta Broadcasting Awards for the best sport programmes with documentaries.


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